Win Rate & EDGE Alerts
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A winning trade at RIGGED AI is when an option alert returns 100%+ at any time during the session, without any consideration for drawdown.
Win Rate (WR) is calculated at the time of the alert using historical returns of similar option flow and other factors and displayed as a percentage.
The statistical significance of the win rate is indicated by the color.
If the win rate probability is random, the percentage will be colored in green.
0 - 30% - White
30 - 50% - Green
50%+ - Green with Green BG
If the win rate is statistically significant (expected to keep winning at the same rate), then the alert is tagged EDGE and colored in blue.
These are called EDGE alerts.
EDGE alerts have a reliable win rate, 55.56% = 55.56%
GREEN alerts could win at WR or the results could be random
Markets trend up and they trend down.
WR is limited because it's the average of multiple market cycles; bull and bear.
Traders can use the 30D (30-Day Win Rate) to help gauge which direction the market is trending.
If the 30D percentage is high, it's a reliable indicator that the trade will win.
30D WR batches option alerts based on side (bull or bear) and time. This has more results and the numbers can be different than WR.
If there are none in the last 30 days, then it will show N/A.
Low 30D WR:
In the example below we see 50%+ WR EDGE, but the 30D is extremely low under 20% for each alert.
None of these alerts won, all of them go -99%.
That's not something we want to trade.
WR and 30D Match:
The next example we see the WR and 30D match, both are nearly identical.
The results are completely different with 7/8 hitting a max gain over 100% and 1/8 at 98.50%.
30D Summary:
Use 30D to determine which direction the market is trending
30D greater than or equal to WR = take the trade
30D significantly than WR = skip the trade
Win Rate = 100%+ return at any point in the session, without a drawdown consideration.
Alerts can return 100% quickly or drawdown -99% before returning 100% in the last 10 minutes of the session.
If the WR is GREEN, then the alert has zero probability.
If the WR is BLUE, then the alert has EDGE and will likely continue winning at the same rate.
30D is useful for determining market direction. If it's winning, we want to trade it.
Trade tips:
look for a minimum of 40% win rate (green or blue)
if the 30D is high, trade it
Remember past performance does not guarantee future results. Even a 50% WR EDGE will lose 50% of the time.
Option alerts have EDGE when there is a statistical probability they will continue winning at the same rate.
EDGE WR is reliable.
Historically EDGE alerts have significantly outperformed non-edge (ZERO) alerts.
Throughout the system everything EDGE is tagged in blue.
EDGE Alerts have a high win rate and probability.
They are often the best trades to target.
Often RIGD AI will send bullish and bearish alerts within short timeframe. The market is lizard vs lizard pvp and the smarter (not necessarily bigger) lizard will win.
Traders can use win rate plus blue line to guide their decisions.
SPY 01/06/2025 is a great example of mixed option flow (alerts) and higher win rate alerts winning!
The SPY BULLS are BL +2.82 (high) and WR is only 16%. They lose.