
Glossary of terms to understand the RIGGED system and slang.


BOMB 💣 - alert for large option trades either BULL or BEAR

BULL 🐂 - bullish option flow alert for calls bought and / or puts sold

BEAR 🐻 - bearish option flow alert for puts bought and / or calls sold

FLORB (🟢 , 🔴) - a flow orb representing a smaller option trade. Green is bullish, red is bearish. A lot of florbs can be a strong trading signal

LOTTO - high risk, high return trade (prepare for it to go to zero)

CHASE - a bomb that is "chasing" the price action, excellent to trade during high volume easy or send it mode.

SWING - a bomb that profits off a swing / reversal of the price action. Best to trade when 3-strikes from the blue line.

VOLUME - the number of option sweeps detected where higher equals more tradeability.

TRADEABILITY - the difficulty level for returning 100%+ on option alerts

TREND DAY - where price action moves one direction the entire session

MEAN REVERSION - when price goes higher or lower before returning to the blue line. Commonly seen on nightmare and hard mode


CALL OPTION (C) - an option that appreciates in value as the underlying stock moves up aka 500c

PUT OPTION (P) - an option that appreciates in value as the underlying stock moves down aka 502p

STRIKE - the price at which an option moves into the money

OTM - out of the money (below the strike for calls and above the strike for puts)

ITM - in the money (above the strike for calls and below the strike for puts)

RUNNERS - free contracts where if they go to zero you lose zero.

"I'm going to runners here" - Exiting the position for profit and holding free contracts


HULK - when price is rapidly moving higher

"Omg what a hulk"

NUKE - when price is nuking lower

"The 1300 nuke strikes again"

ERIC'D - when a high score option alert representing at least $500,000 makes nothing

"Haha that guy just got ERIC'D"

BPI - butt plug in, a metaphor for the tightness required when holding a large options trade

"SPY 525c BPI"

LIZARDS - the lizard people of Wall Street responsible for rigging the stock market, can also be used as an adjective.

"The most lizard thing right now would be a nuke"

GAY - if used in chat, then buy one share of $GRND or get banned

"Wow that was so gay"

3 DOWN BULL - a bull bomb that is 3 strikes down from the blue line

"gonna hit that 3 down bull"


BLUE LINE (BL) - the open price for a symbol shown as a blue line on the chart

RED LINES (STRIKES) - dollar levels for SPY & QQQ and various for stock symbols

WHITE LINE (VOLUME) - graph of Wall Street option volume where higher values equal more tradeability

SESSIONS - timeframes throughout the trading day

  • OPEN - 9:30 - 10:30

  • MIDDLE - 10:30 - 13:00

  • FINAL - 13:00 - 15:30

  • 9C (9th circle of hell) - 15:30 - 16:00


VOLUME - the number of option sweeps and large trades detected, higher = more tradeability. SCORE - ai weighted option bullish and bearish option flow for the entire trading session (bombs + florbs) BLUE LINE (BL) - the open price for a symbol shown as a blue line on the chart

EVENT - time displayed if there is a known market event like Jerome Powell speaking

TRADEABILITY - the difficulty level to return 100%+ on option trades with five different modes ranked from most to least difficult.






STRATEGY - general guidelines for the tradeability mode

PRICE ACTION - potential for the entire session; mean reversion, unclear, trend, or perfect tags.

3-STRIKES - outlook on whether price will hit 3-strikes above or below the blue line

TRADE SIZE - general recommendation for number of contracts

PROFIT TARGET(s) - potential profit levels


SCORE - AI weighted value of the option trades where roughtly 1 = 1000 in premium STRIKE - dollar value for option contracts show on the chart with a red line (every dollar for SPY & QQQ, varies for stock flow) SPOT - the price of the symbol at the time of the alert

V (Volume) - change from the 14 day average where higher (over 110%) equals more tradeability

PS (Position Score) - the sum of the change between the sport price and the open, intraday high and intraday low.

  • Higher PS = more BULL risk

  • -1 to 1 PS = neutral for BULLS & BEARS

  • Lower PS = more BEAR RISK

BL (Blue Line) - the change from open price for the symbol.

WIN RATE - the percentage of 100%+ returns no stop loss consideration in the past 14 days for the alert type and PS. FR (Florb Ratio) - a modified version of put call ratio where values below 0.7 are bullish and above bearish.

START - the price for the strike at the time of the alert

LIVE - the current price for the option (delayed by 1m)

MAX GAIN - the highest percentage change from the time of the alert

MAX DRAWDOWN - the lowest percentage change from the time of the alert to max gain

STRATEGY GUIDE - basic strategy to know whether you're at an advantage or disadvantage.

  • PS - preferred values

  • Size - recommended trade size

  • Session - preferred sessions

  • Target - potential profit target

Last updated