🔥ON FIRE Alerts

On Fire alerts are triggered when an option alert returns 100% in under 1 hour. This is the strongest signal to pay attention!

TRADEABILITY is what could happen (price action expectation based on volume)

KOMODO + KTR is what has happened (historical performance of similar alerts)

ON FIRE is what is happening (real-time performance of RIGGED alerts)

ON FIRE alerts are sent by email and discord whenever an option alert returns 100% in under one hour. This is the strongest signal to pay attention to the symbol.

When we receive an ON FIRE alert for a symbol, we use TRADEABILITY and KOMODO to guide our trades!

Ideally you have 3/3 TKO or 2 out of 3.


Let's use 5/31/24 on NVIDIA as an example

At 10:19 AM we receive two ON FIRE alerts for bear bombs returning 100% in 23m and 10m.

This is our signal to pay attention to NVIDIA and visit the flow page.

We've got the O.

Next we need to look at TRADEABILITY and KOMODO.

At 10:19 two more BEAR BOMBS are triggered. Volume is going up and we quickly move from NORMAL, to EASY MODE to FULL SEND at 10:31.

TRADEABILITY says to follow the price action which in this case is a down move. We want BEARS -PS.

We can take the 10:19 BEAR or wait for a bounce, then get into the trade.

With a bit more patience, we see a number of BEAR BOMBS fire off during the middle of the session before we reach a low at 1075.

The high WR BEAR BOMBS with edge all return 100%+ depending on the timing of your entry.

Most of the winning alerts had a significant drawdown of 50%+. We've introduced KTR2 which gives us a lower entry range for high win rate alerts. Using KTR2 on NVIDIA 5/31/24 would have absolutely crushed it.

Last updated